Faculty in the College of Arts & Sciences pursue collaborative research agendas linked to political communication. They focus undergraduate students’ attention on the symbiosis between politics and communication, with special emphasis on digital technology’s growing role in campaigns and public policy debates. Faculty affiliated with the Center for Political Communication regularly conduct cutting-edge research through national and statewide public opinion polls. Studies sponsored by the CPC have received coverage in a wide range of news outlets, including the Atlantic, the New York Times, the Washington Post, USA Today, US News & World Report, the Wall Street Journal, Slate, and Wired.

Delaware Statewide Poll: Democrats lead by big margins in Delaware
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Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden holds a commanding lead in Delaware, as do his partys candidates in the statewide races for governor, U.S. Senator and U.S. Representative.
A new University of Delaware Center for Political Communication poll shows that 54% of likely voters in Delaware say theyll vote for Biden, while only 33% support Donald Trump. The Democratic candidates 21-point lead is well outside the surveys margin of error.
Brewer, Dr. Paul R.

Delawareans continue to back progressive agenda, elected officials
Residents support marijuana legalization, transgender rights, Congressional delegation
Read University of Delaware release and topline data.
Delaware residents overwhelmingly back a progressive agenda as well as the state’s Congressional delegation on the Democratic side of the aisle, according to a new poll from the University of Delaware Center for Political Communication.
Legalizing marijuana continues to enjoy clear majority support, with 61% in favor of such a measure and 33% against results similar to those found in a 2016 poll. Three in four Delawareans favor laws protecting transgender students from discrimination. And a clear majority of Delawareans favor Medicare-for-all, with 68% in favor of a national health plan, or Medicare-for-all, where any American could get their insurance from a single government plan if they so choose.
Brewer, Dr. Paul R.

Poll shows Carper, Blunt Rochester way out in front
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The two Delaware Democrats running for national office are dominating their opponents by large margins that fall in line with the predicted “Blue Wave” in races around the country.
U.S. Sen. Tom Carper has a commanding lead of 61%-24% over Republican Rob Arlett, while U.S. Rep. Blunt Rochester is far ahead of Republican candidate Scott Walker by a margin of 58%-28%, according to a University of Delaware Center for Political Communication poll released today. The poll was completed before the recent turmoil in the Delaware GOP, which saw the New Castle County chair resigning and criticizing Arlett, and the state GOP disavowing Walker.
Brewer, Dr. Paul R.