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A statement about civil dialogue
The University of Delaware’s Center for Political Communication is committed to hearing your diverse views, and controversial or unpopular opinions will be shared and received with the same respect and tolerance as widely accepted opinions. Be prepared for others to disagree as part of a free and open exchange of ideas. We will not, however, tolerate inflammatory, extraneous or off-topic comments that are intended to provoke an emotional response or disrupt the conversation. We will immediately address any abusive, bigoted, sexist, obscene and/or racist comments posted on the CPC’s social media and digital platforms, especially if they have the potential to escalate to threats or hate speech. We may decide to block, unfollow, or hide people and posts.
Questionable content
The CPC reserves the right to remove misinformation, news leaks, confidential information, or other questionable content (including posts, shares and comments), that contains:
- Hate speech
- Profanity, obscenity, vulgarity, graphic or gratuitous violence
- Nudity (including profile pictures)
- Defamation to a person or people
- Name calling and/or personal attacks (bullying)
- Content intended to sell a product (including external non-CPC links)
- Content that infringes on copyrights
- Spam, such as the same comment posted repeatedly on a profile
- Off-topic content
- Other content that the CPC social media team deems inappropriate
University of Delaware Digital and Multimedia Policy
The CPC’s social and digital media team complies with the University of Delaware’s Digital and Multimedia Policy.