The Center for Political Communication strives to bring understanding through research and outreach and owes its success to the collaborative spirit of an ever-expanding University of Delaware community:
UD Alumni ― Prominent University alumni prompted New York Times columnist Frank Bruni to dub the University of Delaware the “maker of political kings.” Noted examples are former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden (AS ’65), former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (AS ’84), key Obama adviser David Plouffe (AS ’10), and campaign strategist Steve Schmidt (AS ’13).
CPC Advisory Council ― The CPC relies on the wisdom, advice, and support of its Advisory Council members, which include key leaders in industry, government, and academia.
Leadership― Dr. Dannagal Young heads the CPC as its newest director, following the leadership of Nancy Karibjanian and founding director Ralph Begleiter. Dr. Erin Cassese, Professor of Political Science & International Relations, is the CPC associate director. Dr. Phil Jones is the CPC’s research director and an associate professor of Political Science and International Relations.
Senior Fellows ― The CPC relies on the mentorship of leaders with sustained life experience in the fields political communication, public opinion assessment and management, and political campaign management. David Plouffe served as campaign manager and senior adviser to President Barack Obama. Steve Schmidt is a noted public affairs and campaign strategist. Domenico Montanaro (AS ’01) is National Public Radio’s lead editor for politics and digital audience. Plouffe, Schmidt, and Montanaro are all University of Delaware alumni.
Affiliated Faculty ― The CPC relies on a multidisciplinary team of academic experts from throughout the University who share common interests in public opinion, American electoral politics, messaging and politics, free speech, and media. Affiliated faculty members assist with media relations, donor relations, research projects, and student support. They propose ideas for initiatives and help promote the University and the CPC when they write, travel, and attend conferences.